
page: 359 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]

"She was the third person with the codes that kept the bombs from exploding."

"Yes, but I sent the codes. The codes had to have been wrong for me too. Somebody had re-programmed the bomb controllers. That person had to have access to the codes. That would be me, you, and Stan. Stan is dead and didn't want the bombs to go off. I didn't do it. That leaves you, George."

"Or, you, Angela. It depends on whether you believe me..." George swung slightly to the gathering, "or Angela."

He continued, "I always thought that if it was Angela, that was OK, since the effect was achieved, and I agreed with the effect. But I was pretty sure it was Stan."

Both Jane and Frank knew that the bomb in Bluebird was now under control of Angela, their mother and wife. Neither Jane nor Frank were so confident of Angela that they were without doubt about the innocence of George.

George only knew he had given her the release code. He didn't know that she had just reprogrammed the bomb. Jane and Frank did.

Michael spoke again, "I think we must resolve this once and for all. None of this matters anymore. Right now, we should be sure that the bomb we now have placed in New Boston is under strict control. George, will you give up the release codes on that bomb?"

page: 359 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]