
page: 66 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]

"OK." Jack was getting pretty concerned.

At the office, Jack explained what had happened. Ferguson then got on the telephone to the FBI Houston Station Chief. After a few distinctly unhappy side comments, he arranged to have the police initiate a search. Then he called the NSP directorate in Washington, DC and got the phone numbers for Erisa's boss. "John Adamson?"


"This is John Ferguson, FBI. We have reason to be concerned about Erisa McCabe. She works for you right?"

"Yes, and I can tell you that she did not show up for work today. I was wondering what happened. We were going to report her disappearance tomorrow, if she had not called in."

"OK. Has she ever done this before?"

"Never," said John. "How come you guys are interested? What's going on?"

"Well, we are probably just as confused as you are right now. We'll have an agent in your office tomorrow to take a report. Is that OK?"

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