
page: 65 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]

That evening Jack realized the whole rationale he was concocting about Erisa was illogical. Something was wrong. The problem was that he did not have any place to call. He tried her number at the NSP but got her answering machine. It was now after 5 P.M. Nobody was going to be around who would know what to do. He called the FBI office, but they too were through for the day. Then he walked down to the house he was sharing, and he looked up Ferguson's home phone.

Ferguson answered immediately, "Hello?"

Jack said, "John Ferguson?" Jack recognized Ferguson's voice and he wanted Ferguson to recognize his. "Remember we said that I should say that I need to come in? Well, I need to come in."

"Boy, Jack, you really know how to screw with my anxiety quotient. OK. Do you have a car, or are we going to have to pick you up again?"

"I still need a ride."

"OK, Jack. Wait. I'll be there in a few minutes."

When Jack got into Ferguson's car, Ferguson said, "OK Jack, this is just practice, we don't talk at all until we get to the office. OK?"

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