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"Yea, and if they want to silence us, they can kill us, or one of us. They have nothing to lose!" Erisa averted her eyes from Randy. It was clear this was getting nowhere.

Then Randy had the thought that Erisa had already had, "If we could get a secret message to them. Let them know about the bombs, but without Metafire knowing we told."

"Do you know Morse code?" Erisa asked.


"Neither do I." Then she thought for a moment and said, "You know, even if you did, Jack and the other guys probably don't. What about just deciding on saying a message if either of us gets a chance to communicate it, without being overheard by the people here?"

"That sounds good. What should we say?"

"How about 'two nuclear bombs are aboard Metafire'?"

"Those could be our last words, Erisa."

"I know, Randy. Maybe this is a bad idea. We will have plenty of time when we are released."

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