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"I recognize that. Thank you Agent Ferguson. What do you suggest we do?".

"We must continue to monitor and censor their actions. But we must first understand their intentions. We must understand what they really want. This may take time. We must be aggressive in spying on them."

The FBI Director spoke, "Yes, I agree with Mr. Ferguson. Our analysts have spoken with NSP. They say that we can use the same laser technology used to monitor conversations through window vibrations to monitor all the talk inside these capsules. We should listen. We should be attentive. We should also attempt to establish communication with their leaders. Mr. Ferguson, I continue to have faith in you. Pete," he was speaking to the NSC Director, "I want the Major and Ferguson to continue. But I think they should work here, in Washington. We need to be with them. I suggest that Ferguson and the Major have a shadow team composed of us, and we probably need a couple of NSP people who are highly knowledgeable."

"I agree. It will be out of this office. We are as well equipped for this as anyone."

Then Ferguson interrupted, "I need Jill up from Sante Fe."

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