
page: 90 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]

"Makes me feel better."

"But, take off all your identification."

"There you go Steve. I was feeling better about this, and now you're making it scary again."

"We think its better if you have no identification on you. That way you can say almost anything, and they have nothing to trace."

"But you want me to say I am 'Jack Martin'?"

"Yes. If they catch on that you are not, and you are certain they know you aren't Jack, then you can tell them you are Houston police. Actually, it's is your judgement at that point. If they succeed in taking you, you are on your own. Use your own judgement. Try to get away. If you find Erisa, try to get her out too."

"OK. Is that all?"

Steve took an envelope off the desk. "Yes. Here is the address, directions, and a key to Erisa's house." It was nearly 5:30 P.M.

"OK. Steve, are you going to watch me?" He really wanted Steve to be the one. Steve was very competent. Randy could trust him not to go off for a sandwich or anything ridiculous like that.

page: 90 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]