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Ferguson knew better than to give any assurances. They wouldn't sound credible, even if he meant them. "We will contact George to indicate our desire to resupply in twenty four hours?"

Frank spoke up, "Yes, but try four hours. I'm concerned that we will have your killer satellite neutralized pretty soon."

"I will contact him immediately after we finish here then," Ferguson responded. "How do you propose to let us know that you have reset the motion sensors on the nuclear bomb?"

"I will send the message that the sensors have been adjusted. If I send the message, you know the motion sensors have been turned off." Angela was second in command. She knew she could send that message.

"OK. Are we finished then?"

The video session was terminated. Immediately, Ferguson contacted Scooter, Erisa, and Jack. He told Scooter, "We are not rescuing Jane. Scooter, I want you to stand by to rescue Jim."

Erisa spoke, "No, John. I'm going with Scooter to rescue Jane."

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