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"Now he's wrapped in a nylon sheet. Tell his family we are sorry. We don't want people getting hurt." George paused for a moment then said, "That's it, goodbye." He hit the delete key on the keyboard to close the video window.

George was turning to thank Erisa for talking when he saw Angela and Jane moving toward them. They had overheard the call. As Angela was breaking herself on a hand-hold, she said, "George, Erisa just said something odd again. First, we know this other guy is Randy, but who is Erisa? Who is Jack? Erisa, the time has come for answers."

Jane had spent more time than anyone with Erisa. She held her hand on Erisa's arm. Gently. It was common for people to use other people to establish a resting position in the microgravity environment. But she wanted to touch Erisa, too. She wanted Erisa to feel a sense of trust.

"You kidnapped me. It's incredible. This whole thing is incredible. How can you expect me to tell you this stuff? Don't you know already?"

Jane then interceded, "Erisa, Angela is right. There are no reasons for secrets anymore. You could be a hired assassin working on behalf of Peking for all we care now. We are going to get you off, and we are going into deep space. Please tell us. Who are you?"

page: 278 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]