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It turned out that Scooter got to tender Metafire One in. He had just completed dealing with Metafire Two, so he introduced himself to George, "Metafire One. I have been assigned to tender you into Discovery. Are you ready?"

"Yes. Do you have the instructions about proper positioning?" George was checking.

"No, they don't tell us that sort of thing. By the way, I just installed the cavern for Metafire Two. Those guys are with you, right?" Scooter was trying to be as friendly as Scooter could.

George looked over at Janet. They had both gotten Frank's transmissions. George decided he would try to talk to Scooter. "Scooter, is this Scooter?"

"Yep, that's me. The guys over at Metafire Two must've remembered me."

"I would say so, Scooter. If you'll go slow and carefully, we can arrange to give you a substantial tip, say, $5,000?" George was going for the jugular.

"Cash up front guys. What if you renege. Most of you people up here are computer types. You can really make it hard to get paid."

page: 172 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]