
page: 69 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]

"When I was on the plane?"


"You are associated with metafire, mediafire, or something?"

He was taken aback. Something was wrong. If she were digging into the Metafire archive as deeply as he saw, and, indeed, doing it that very morning, she would not have a problem remembering the name.

He decided to ask a few questions, "Were you on the web this morning, from your home?"

Now she was taken aback. She figured it was Jack. He was playing with the web after she left. But these guys were dangerous. She didn't want to let them know about Jack.

"Yes, but I was just playing. I got your name a few days ago, though, at the NSP. Can you please explain to me what is going on here?"

The gentleman turned slightly toward her but was sideways when he said, "Did you ever want to go into space?"

"Well," she remembered her saying but then thought better of it, "it's crossed my mind."

page: 69 [prev] [Table of Contents] [next]