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"If you are looking for bombs, or bodies, let us know and we will get a military team in. If you have posted your survey with the USGS repository we don't even have to send anybody -- we can just tell you where to dig and how deep. We can't show you some of the things we can see. National security and all that."

The police representatives next to Erisa wiggled a little. She continued to listen.

"To see how easy it is to work all this, here is Randy. I know you think this takes a trained team, but let me tell you, it is easy enough that I worked it with just Randy's little explanation." Joe went to the lap top picked up a box of paper 3D viewing glasses and started handing them out.

"If you really want to see what you see through this helmet, put on the glasses. I know this is strange, but you won't believe this," said Randy.

Joe sat down at the laptop, clicked a bit, and the people in the room went 'ahh.' The panning view of the glass like surface with all those colored objects came to life in 3D. The glasses were not the red-green kind, they were polarized. The color view stood out in front of the screen, and you could really see what it was like to walk around looking underneath you.

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